muvee Independence Day Style is a new and helpful muvee Reveal add-on.
muvee Independence Day Style helps you add Independence Day like backgrounds and frames to you favorite pictures and videos.
muvee Independence Day Style is free to download and free to use and very simple to install.muvee Independence Day Style is a free add-on for muvee Reveal, a powerful application that makes it possible for you to create professional-looking movies from your favorite pictures and videos. This add-on utility is specially designed to help spice up your movies with the United States Independence Day theme. After the installation is completed, it perfectly integrates itself in the user interface of muvee Reveal. This theme provides about ten different backgrounds showing different designs that have been created using the colors and stars of the United States flag. In addition, you will be able to view the Liberty statue, a portion of Mount Rushmore, to be more exact, the left part of the mountain that shows the US former presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, and some other typical American bits and pieces. This theme is one of the multiple styles that are available for downloading online. Some movie themes are free and some are not. In this case, we can download and use this add-on for free, as far as we have previously installed muvee Reveal in our computer as a free evaluation version or as a registered version.